Internet Dating and Romance Scams

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Knowing The People That Romance or Dating Scams Are Targeted At….

Incidences of romance or dating scams have been on the rise since they came to public knowledge a few years ago .Yet,many people in the Western world are yet to grasp the reality of the fact that romance scams seems to be on the increase.

Perhaps, because most of the people who lose money to these dating scams do not talk about their losses.Many people prefer to bear the financial losses in silence, rather than disclose them to any other party.
On the other hand, in Nigeria and other places where the scammers operate from, large amounts of dollars are being received on a daily basis from the scams.

In the third week of March 2006,for instance, a 20 year old young man,just seeking admission into the university, scammed 5000 British Pounds from a middle aged woman in the United Kingdom.

He is not the only one collecting such amounts from dating or romance scams.Daily,in thousands of cafes all over Nigeria,especially the SouthWestern part,and other West African countries,tens of thousands of young people are actively working at the romance scams and other internet scams,looking for such victims.

But then, the question arises –whom do the scammers target for their activities? Do they just pick on anyone anywhere, or do they have a particular set of people that they focus on to defraud them of their money?

From what I could gather in my research, here are the main types of people that the scams are focused on :

1. Elderly people and other lonely groups: Elderly women and men looking for companionship are believed to be especially vulnerable to the romance scams.They are believed to be soft at heart,and

willing to part with their money in return for romantic affection and attention. Other lonely groups of people are also a prime target. Their loneliness makes them to be in need of some form of company,which may not be readily available around them in their immediate environment and which the scammers readily provide.

2.Separated women,recently divorced women and the like are easy targets of the scammers. The trauma of their divorce or separation makes them vulnerable to internet love scams. The scammers hunt on various dating sites for women like these,often sifting through thousands of profiles in the process.

3.Overweight people:these set of people are about the easiest to target and to scam,according to the scammers. It appears some overweight people need someone to admire them and to love them the way they are. And it also appears that a number of them are insecure emotionally.Maybe as a result of this, some overweight women seem to do anything to hold on to a man,even if they do not know if he is for real. It appears that it is their sense of insecurity and their need for acceptance that is often exploited to get money of them.

4.People Looking For Sex: Many adult websites are a special target of the scammers.The scammers show nude pictures of themselves and pretend to engage in sexual acts with the persons they meet on the site. Usually,the people scammed through adult sites never disclose that they were scammed or they keep their losses to themselves. All who lost money to scams through this means declined to give figures of how much they were scammed of when interviewed.

People living with AIDS, and differently-abled people are also a target of the scams.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of those being targetted by the romance scams.These ones just happen to be the most popular ones that the scammers target.

The best way to deal with the dating or romance scams is to know how the scammers operate and be wise as to their ways. Educating yourself about these scams helps you to know how to prevent a romance scam from happening to you.

November 13, 2006 - Posted by | Uncategorized


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    Comment by corazon | December 10, 2007 | Reply

  2. I was recently scamed by a con man from the USA He said he was from Chicago we developed a great relationship. He said he had to go to Nigeria on Buisness a few days later he was mugged he asked me to send him someone because the thieves mugged him and took his money, I sent $600 then he asked me for $4000 so that he could finish up his buisness deal and come to Toronto so we could gte married and be togther. Then he also asked me to apply for a credit card. I really loved him so I did but I told a friends about the situation they told me I was being scamed so I did research and realized I was. Luckily I only sent $600 I could tell he was American his accent was and Americain accent. He asked me to send the funds via western Union and he gave me the iformation of the bell boy saying it would be better i send it to the bellboy it would be safer.

    Here is the con man info
    He goes by the name David Jean
    Yahoo name Id: row2ray
    Claims he is from Chicago
    Nigerian phon number he uses 2348088942469
    the location he asked me to send the funds to
    I sent the $600 to Aruoture Ofotokun
    21 dele moohodu street
    the photograpsh he uses look like profesional black and white phots like a model photograph

    beware of him he is very convincing!

    Comment by Monique | March 18, 2008 | Reply

  3. Monique I was scammed by the same person I’m trying to build a case against him I met him through zorpia and through that website I encoutered another woman who went through the same thing he played us but doesn’t realize I’m on to him I sent $100 the other girl sent $1,000 to him and I googled his email that’s how I found this if you contact me at my email

    Comment by Tanisha | July 16, 2008 | Reply

  4. Watch out for Waltson Paul or Waltson Sean. He is a pro at scamming. Scammed a friend of mine – he is visiting his “sick” mother in Nigeria & will be back in the United States soon. He has an answer for everything! Very romantic & spends hours chatting everyday. But of course while in Nigeria he got mugged, all his money was stolen, had no food. Then on his way back to the USA he was arrested at the airport for picking up the wrong baggage & of course the baggage he picked up was full of cocaine. Had his doctor involved in the scam while he was in the hospital after being mugged (yeah, right). Then his ballister called while he was in a detention center after being falsely accused of having cocaine. He was in the detention center hysterically crying! LOL! He does come up with great stories! Watch for the name!

    Comment by Sherry Kakol | August 17, 2008 | Reply

  5. I was scammed by a woman in the From the us She gave me a sob story about her son being autistic and how he needed a man in his life.. she n i went on to develope a relationship i thought was great, then she began asking me for money i sent her some because i love her and finally she when i was told she was doing the same thing to a guy i happened to see from a comment he left her. she goes by the name Tanisha Johnson
    the man she was talking to got talking with me and i was informed that she scams and then tries to discredit the person she scamed on internet sites like this and sometimes goes a long way… people beware… this woman will do whatever it takes to ensure she is safe and that no one can try to get at her…she sometimes throws around fake ssn numbers

    Comment by peter ighorere | August 27, 2008 | Reply

  6. Watch out for a girl named under Kim Harold, 30 years old, 5 foot 10 inches. E-mail They almost got me into a romantic scan. I had met this person on a dating site called e-harmony. Decided to contact me immediatly by e-mail,asked for pictures right away, fell for me within 3 days, asked money through western union for internet fees and food. Be extremly careful!!!!! I found that persons pictures on a Focus Hawaii International site where 90% of the scammers get their pictures from. After telling them that I found their scam and picture from a model site, she told me that she still loved me and had her picture put on a model site, yeah!!!! whatever!!!! No money for food or internet, but chats with me on the net and has money to be on a model site. Be careful, please and don’t be afraid to report those scams as I did. The more we tell of our experiences, the more it will make it difficult for them to operate and find new ways to extract money from inncocent people.

    Comment by Pierre | September 12, 2008 | Reply

  7. i was scammed a month ago is name is major travis murphy i managed to contact the real major tim murphy and told him about what happened to me so if you see major_5962murphy
    i hope you dont june

    Comment by june d reddan | May 11, 2009 | Reply

    • Hi I have just had a close shave by the same people ,man was going under the name of Magor Travis Murphy ,I wish I could get hold of the real magor T murphy ,they gave some story about them being in Bagdad in the US army sent me photos of this so called Travis ,a story about him finding loads of Euros ,millions infact and sent a photo of him with two other men ,another of him standing by cars that were suposed to be Sadam’s cars ,another photo of him doing his training with the boys .then came the crunch ,he was sending one of his men over to England with his case containing loads of money ,the man lost his case not the one that Travis had sent but his own with money in and papers .Would I send a thousand pounds to his man !!! NO came my reply ,well pay for his hotel. No came my reply ,he was so disapionted in me Ha Ha ,well how did he think I felt when he was suposed to be coming over to England to start a new life with me on his retirment on the 10th of this month.He also said his Birthday was the 4th of sep: wonder how true all this bit is ??? dont get taken in like me and many others .take care all TRAVIS does not exsist ….

      Comment by Mareen | September 7, 2009 | Reply

  8. I have been corresponding with a man supposedly he lives in Texas. Talked all sorts of love and promises to me, going to relocate to where I live, we would be married. He says he is a construction engineer, and travels to do his work. He supposedly went to Nigeria, Africa to do a job, and is now over there, stranded, lost his wallet, all his money, the government there told him he had to pay “taxes” before he could do the job he went there to do. And he needs ME to send him 1500 dollars. I refused. I’ve asked him for proof of who he is, but I get nothing, but talk. He can’t send me anything to verify who he is or anyone to call to give me any proof of what he is saying is the truth.
    I’ve heard of scams coming out of Nigeria so I have not sent him any money and don’t intend to. If he was who he said he was he would never have went there without having sufficient funds to do what he was supposed to do and he would have known what the government required before going.
    Thank God for people making reports like this to warn other people.

    Comment by cathy | June 25, 2009 | Reply

  9. I am going through a similar scam experience. I have been corresponding with a man who says he is in the Army and stationed in Baghdad. He told me he has a son who is living in Ghana until he finishes his mission. Apparently, he did not pay his son’s school fees, and they told me the boy would not graduate because he would not be allowed to take his exams without paying the fees. He asked me to wire $1000 US dollars to someone in Ghana, that I could never verify. I could not ever find the school the boy supposedly attended. I did not send the money. I had too much of a gut feeling that this was a scam. Broke my heart, because he made so many promises. Now, I am alone again….but I still have my money.

    Comment by Theresa | September 24, 2010 | Reply

    • glad you saw through his scam in time.sorry about the heartbreak, but time is a healer, and you’ll get through with the support of others.

      Comment by alanprince | October 13, 2010 | Reply

  10. Recently I received several emails from a scan, saying that I had found on page of mutual friends and would like to have a serious relationship.
    Claims to be from Melbourne Beach, Florida and worked on an oil rig, under supervision and that OPEC had a contract with Exxon.
    He said that the USA was the father and the mother was Polish and he was raised in Poland.
    He sent me some pictures of you that are in the reality of Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder.
    After several exchanges of email he said he needed to pay a settlement of their stay on the oil rig (Ocean Guardian in the Falkland Islands). He asked me to do a transfer of U.S. $ 2.986 by Western Union.
    I did not do the transfer. As he asked me to create a Yahoo email, I created a fake email that has already eliminated.

    Here is the con man info
    He goes by the name Albert B. Holmes
    Yahoo name
    Benin phon number he uses 229 97497661.

    Comment by Elaine | September 8, 2011 | Reply

    • Just received face book message from this person yesterday. Today he sent me a long email (posted below) nearly identical to what you described. Furthermore, this scam artist has texted me, called 2 times (I did not answer) and messaged me on face book today

      The current tel number he is using is (561)223-8593.

      Here is detailed info regarding facebook account that he is using to contact via email and facebook.

      Thanks for the heads up Elaine..

      This is email sent to me today:
      Albert Holmes 2:11pm Oct 4
      Lovely profile , .How did your day, i was so excited when I got your contact here on so i decided to contact you and see where life takes us to.Just a little about me.I am Engr. Albert Holmes,I am an Oil Merchant Engineer, i am Divorced with 1 daughter. I turned 59 yr s , I had a white dad and a Polish mom and we lived in Phoenix Arizona. I was 12yrs when mom divorced my dad and took me with her to Poland. I didn’t visit the states that much but i was always in contact with my dad. My mom is late now. I grew up in Poland, had a Daughter from my very first marriage but i lost my wife during child delivery. It was so painful for me and hard
      for me to move on with life in Poland due to the death on my wife and mom.I got married again but divorced 3 years after,when i discovered my ex was having a love affair with my best friend when i am out of town.With this happening, i couldn’t move on in Poland, Cracow to be precised, i had to move to the states and start up a new life and also get to meet with my dad once again.
      My dad relocated to Melbourne Beach,Florida and settled there. The combination of my Dad and I doing things together made my interest about oil business with dad because in Poland i studied real estate management and i have been working with that over there, within the space of 5 years but unfortunately my aged dad died when undergoing a medical transplant
      operation. It came as a blow to my face and i couldn’t help it, very painful because i didn’t spend much time with my dad when i was little and wanted to always be with him now and learn more from him.My daughter turned 13 June 8th and she is Boarding school now.i will be glad to hear your voice on phone as well and i will love to be open to you,all i seek here on face book is a woman of my dream and someone i can grow old and share the best of life with as one family again.i have been in Ocean Guardian Oil Rig in Falkland Island for 1week now and this is my first time here for contract overseas.I am Irish & English-Acoustic, Played guitar since I was 8 yrs.I love the Ocean and the beaches and the all the beauty that walks upon it.I like to swim,taking a walk by the beach,hiking, camping, traveling, reading,most times i do volunteering. I have always lived by the Ocean. My Spirit is bound to it’s never ending beauty & motions. I grew up in the
      rocky mountains & raised around horses and wilderness. My passion is to find a special Lady to share my life and travels.
      I work here in Falkland Island under the supervision OPEC Nations… I am working in the Ocean Guardian oil Rigs here for my new contract presentation and company opening registration and it quite a wonderful experience working here on sea for the first time,I work in partnership with Exxon Mobil and Baker Oil.We oversee the importation and distribution of petroleum products within the states and other countries when awarded with a contract. My dear,from my observation,i love your age in regards to the age issue,i really want to tell you that i am not a young man(59yrs) but young at heart,i knew you are not young
      either that is why i came for you because i truly want a woman who knows what it takes to be in love and in a relationship,not this young ladies that are jumping around,i am a God fearing man who respects the lord and i have been longing to meet someone to love and be with,so please feel free with me because i know that age is just a number.
      Anyway, that’s enough about me for now. respond to my email by sharing about you with me. Can we get to chat so we can know more about each other?Kindly create a yahoo email address so that we can chat using yahoo instant messenger to Chat to enable us chatting using instant for us get to know each other faster and in a more understanding manner before i will returning back to states.
      here is my cell phone number 561-223-8593.
      Let me know as i patiently wait for your response.

      Albert Holmes 2:11pm Oct 4
      Lovely profile , .How did your day, i was so excited when I got your contact here on so i decided to contact you and see where life takes us to.Just a little about me.I am Engr. Albert Holmes,I am an Oil Merchant Engineer, i am Divorced with 1 daughter. I turned 59 yr s , I had a white dad and a Polish mom and we lived in Phoenix Arizona. I was 12yrs when mom divorced my dad and took me with her to Poland. I didn’t visit the states that much but i was always in contact with my dad. My mom is late now. I grew up in Poland, had a Daughter from my very first marriage but i lost my wife during child delivery. It was so painful for me and hard
      for me to move on with life in Poland due to the death on my wife and mom.I got married again but divorced 3 years after,when i discovered my ex was having a love affair with my best friend when i am out of town.With this happening, i couldn’t move on in Poland, Cracow to be precised, i had to move to the states and start up a new life and also get to meet with my dad once again.
      My dad relocated to Melbourne Beach,Florida and settled there. The combination of my Dad and I doing things together made my interest about oil business with dad because in Poland i studied real estate management and i have been working with that over there, within the space of 5 years but unfortunately my aged dad died when undergoing a medical transplant
      operation. It came as a blow to my face and i couldn’t help it, very painful because i didn’t spend much time with my dad when i was little and wanted to always be with him now and learn more from him.My daughter turned 13 June 8th and she is Boarding school now.i will be glad to hear your voice on phone as well and i will love to be open to you,all i seek here on face book is a woman of my dream and someone i can grow old and share the best of life with as one family again.i have been in Ocean Guardian Oil Rig in Falkland Island for 1week now and this is my first time here for contract overseas.I am Irish & English-Acoustic, Played guitar since I was 8 yrs.I love the Ocean and the beaches and the all the beauty that walks upon it.I like to swim,taking a walk by the beach,hiking, camping, traveling, reading,most times i do volunteering. I have always lived by the Ocean. My Spirit is bound to it’s never ending beauty & motions. I grew up in the
      rocky mountains & raised around horses and wilderness. My passion is to find a special Lady to share my life and travels.
      I work here in Falkland Island under the supervision OPEC Nations… I am working in the Ocean Guardian oil Rigs here for my new contract presentation and company opening registration and it quite a wonderful experience working here on sea for the first time,I work in partnership with Exxon Mobil and Baker Oil.We oversee the importation and distribution of petroleum products within the states and other countries when awarded with a contract. My dear,from my observation,i love your age in regards to the age issue,i really want to tell you that i am not a young man(59yrs) but young at heart,i knew you are not young
      either that is why i came for you because i truly want a woman who knows what it takes to be in love and in a relationship,not this young ladies that are jumping around,i am a God fearing man who respects the lord and i have been longing to meet someone to love and be with,so please feel free with me because i know that age is just a number.
      Anyway, that’s enough about me for now. respond to my email by sharing about you with me. Can we get to chat so we can know more about each other?Kindly create a yahoo email address so that we can chat using yahoo instant messenger to Chat to enable us chatting using instant for us get to know each other faster and in a more understanding manner before i will returning back to states.
      here is my cell phone number 561-223-8593.
      Let me know as i patiently wait for your response.
      Albert.. View Conversation on Facebook · Reply to this email to message Albert Holmes.
      This message was sent to If you don’t want to receive these emails from Facebook in the future, please unsubscribe.
      Facebook, Inc., Attention: Department 415, PO Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

      Comment by SLS | October 5, 2013 | Reply

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